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11-06-15 November Monthly Luncheon & Seminar
Jepson Alumni Center
442 Westhampton Way, University of Richmond
Richmond, VA 23173
United States
(804) 289-8544

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Friday, November 06, 2015, 8:00 AM - 1:15 PM EST
Category: Events

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8:00 a.m.
8:30 - 11:00 a.m.
11:00 - 11:45 a.m.
11:45 a.m. - 1:15 p.m.

Seminar - Who Wins The Social Revolution?

Social Media changed everything. It fundamentally changed the way we communicate and exchange information in the Information Age. Dave Saunders, President and Chief Idea Officer at Madison+Main leads participants on a fun and informative look at the interactive web. He explains Web from the PC Era through the 1.0 Period (think AOL) through Web 2.0 (blogs and social media) and highlights how the rules of the game have changed in Web 3.0 (semantic and mobile) and gives a look into the future at Web 4.0 (robots J).

Lunch - #BoldBrandsWin : The Winning Strategy for Companies in the Age of Convergence

Nationally recognized marketing and social media expert Dave Saunders, Chief Idea Officer at Madison+Main, delivers a hard-hitting and humorous look at why some companies win big and the rest try to play catch-up. As we transition from the Age of Information into the Age of Convergence, companies have to not only compete with each other, but have to compete for your attention. Dave reviews examples of successful brands, both large and small, and explains how they did it and how you can apply some of the same strategies to your organization, regardless of what you do or what you sell. You’ll also learn the four rules of brand building and that there are only three only kinds of brands. Audiences love the way Dave takes complicated subject matter, breaks it down into easy to understand concepts and keeps you entertained while doing it. 

About the Speaker

Dave Saunders is President & Chief Idea Officer of Madison+Main, an integrated communications agency that provides creative marketing solutions for small to mid-size companies. Based in Richmond, Virginia, Dave is a nationally recognized expert in interactive marketing and speaks frequently to businesses and civic organizations about the potential power of the World Wide Web.

Dave also serves as an adjunct faculty member at Virginia Commonwealth University, where he taught the nation’s first undergraduate level course on social media marketing. Additionally, he leads marketing and social media workshops for VCU’s Center for Corporate Education. In 2009, Dave was honored as a finalist for Business Person of The Year by the US Small Business Administration and was appointed by Virginia Governor Bob McDonnell to Virginia’s Small Business Commission in 2012.

In the media: Dave is frequently quoted as a marketing and social media expert in publications such as the Wall Street Journal, The New York Times, Village Voice, The Guardian, Wired Magazine, Richmond-Times Dispatch, Style Weekly, Virginia Business, Richmond Magazine, Grid Magazine, and Work Magazine. He has also appeared on many radio and television programs such as Fox News, CBS, NBC and various Clear Channel radio stations through the Virginia News Network, He is a regular contributor to CNBC’s Media Money program.

Education: Dave attended Virginia Commonwealth University, School of Mass Communications and graduated from University of Mary Washington in Fredericksburg, Virginia, where he received a BA in English (Writing Concentration).


Registration Notes

  • All payments are due with registration form. Click Here for a printable registration form.

  • Payment can be made by credit card using our online registration link above or by mailing a check payable to VSAE using the printable registration form.

  • A replacement from the same organization may attend the lunch if the member is unable to attend. Please contact the registrar for assistance.

  • Staff & Non-Member Attendance. Staff of a member or a non-member is limited to attending 3 meetings per year.

  • Luncheon Pass. A member's “Get Out of Jail Free” pass is only worth $14 and is therefore not valid for on-site registrations.

  • Cancellation Policy.

    • Pre-registrations for lunch who cancel after Tuesday before the meeting at 5:00 p.m. or fail to attend will be invoiced for a no-show fee of $14.

    • No refunds for cancellation.

    • Substitutions are allowed.

Contact: Tracie Grady - [email protected] - (804) 249-2244